Every year at this time many people gather with friends and loved ones to celebrate as another year comes to a close and a new year begins. It is also a time when we reflect on the past year and think about all that went well in our lives and all that did not. Those of us that believe in Christ, give thanks for all He has done to keep us and see us through. Many of us also resolve to change and improve certain areas of our lives and remove all the negative that has been holding us back from reaching our full potential. It is definitely a great time to begin again, to do better and be better.
I am very thankful to be here waiting for the clock to strike midnight and say goodbye to 2011 and watch 2012 make its grand entrance. Like many other holidays, I enjoy the tradition of watching the festivities at Time Square in New York, Sparkling Cider toast with the kids, claiming financial favor and good luck with a healthy serving of Collard Greens and maybe a taste of Black Eyed Peas on New Years Day. The entertainment and rituals are fun and satisfying to the taste buds, but I have come to realize that we don’t have to wait until a new year begins to makes changes for the better and receive all that God has for us.
In the spiritual realm there is no time. There is only NOW. The past does not exist and the future may or may not come, therefore it does not exist either. All we have is the present moment that we have been given. And in that moment, every moment we are a new creation if we believe the Word of God. Who we may have been or what we may have done even a moment ago does not have to be who we are right now. I believe in Christ every moment of every day so with each breath that I am blessed to breathe I have an opportunity to declare, “The old is gone! The new has come!”
When the clock strikes midnight tonight many will hug, kiss, and toast to the traditional tune of “Auld Lang Syne”, which actually translates to “Days Gone By”. I will have bittersweet feelings when I hear the song. 2011 was a really good year for me. My family and I were blessed in so many ways. That’s not to say there were no obstacles along the way. But the triumphs definitely reigned over the trials. I had many gains and some losses. Through it all I knew that it was all part of God’s perfect plan for my life.
As the days go by in 2012, I resolve to live in the present moment, all that I truly have, and mindfully live each day as if it were my last. When I visit the past, it will only be for short while to reflect on what I’ve learned. When I venture into the future it will be just long enough for me to plant seeds of hope. I will accept and enjoy the present for the gift that it is, nothing more; nothing less.
To everyone that has taken time out to visit, read, and share this blog, I thank you for your support and hope that in some way my thoughts have uplifted, inspired, and encouraged you. I know that my experiences are similar to many single mothers, women, and men in general. I believe we all have a testimony to share and we can all learn from each other. Writing is my passion and making a difference in the lives of others is my purpose. I wish you all love, peace, blessing, and prosperity in 2012! God Bless!