While doing some pre-Spring cleaning this weekend, I came across a journal that I had not made an entry in since January 2009. As I scanned the pages, one entry in particular caught my attention. I had begun writing a letter to God declaring my desire for a healthy, loving relationship, one that would ultimately glorify Him. Here is an excerpt from my journal:
Dear Lord,
I have heard more than once that if I want something to happen in my life I need to write it down and make it plain…so here goes…
I want and need a good man in my life. A man that:
1. Loves You Lord and seeks to understand you more and more each day.
2. Is spiritual and leans on you for understanding and direction in everything he does – a man who has faith.
3. Shares similar values and beliefs.
4. That is looking for his wife – his queen.
5. Is done playing games and is ready for a committed relationship that will ultimately lead to marriage.
6. Doesn’t mind going to church regularly – does go to church.
7. Is single (no wife, girlfriend, etc.).
8. Is drug and disease free.
9. Does not smoke or abuse alcohol (social drinking is ok).
10. Had or has a good relationship with his mother and the rest of his family.
11. Is a good communicator.
12. Is patient, kind, respectful, and considerate.
13. Has an open mind and tolerant of people and their choices.
14. Someone who understands love is action not just a feeling.
15. Someone willing to take the time and make the effort to get to know my children and be their friend first, then someone they can respect and look up to.
The list goes on, but I won’t bore you with the rest of the details. I had written approximately 50 characteristics that I desired in a mate. And if I can recall, I was not done. I stored the journal in a closet with every intention of revisiting it to complete the list but I never did. In fact, it was the last entry I made in that journal.
Fast forward almost 3 years to the date, this weekend I found myself traveling back in time reading the thoughts that were on my heart and mind during that season of my life. As I read over each item on my list, I had an epiphany. God had answered my prayer. I may have put the closet away never to read it again. It was out of sight, but not out of mind. The words had also been written on tablet of my heart.
“…You, LORD JEHOVAH, know what is in the heart of everyone; show the one which you have chosen…” ~ Acts 1:24
A little over four months ago, God reunited me with a classmate from junior high school. Though I didn’t connect the dots at that time, I now understand that the man that I described in my letter to God is now a very special part of my life. God knew my heart and God chose him. God blessed me with someone that personifies so much of what I had written in my journal. While I never doubted God, the experience has been extremely surreal. This may be hard for anyone to believe. But just to show how much God pays attention to the details, I had also written that I wanted someone that did not have very young children, I specifically wrote: no younger than 8 years-old. I don't even know why that was the magic number. But when we began getting to know each other his daughter was 8 years-old. Wow! There's nothing too big or too small for my God!
Scripture says that when you delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). If you desire a healthy, loving relationship that ultimately glorifies the Lord, get a journal, write it down and make it plain, on the tablet of your heart. Be patient and watch God work!
I don’t know what the future holds but I am definitely embracing and enjoying the journey!
God Bless!