After reading the title of this blog post you might be saying to yourself, “Of course my child knows their Father!” In fact, you might even have the DNA results to prove it. But in spite of what the title might suggest, this is not a casting call for the Maury Povich show. What I am really asking you to think about is how well does your child know their Father…God?
To illustrate a point, I am going to put a twist on a popular old adage, “Mama’s baby, Daddy’s maybe, but a child of God for sure.” From conception to birth there is never a question of maternity, with the rare exception of a switcheroo at birth, or the unusual case of a mother abandoning her newborn child. But there is often a question of paternity. Though I’m no expert, my understanding is that even positive DNA test results are never 100%; at best there is a 99.9% probability. So while we may know biologically who provided the X or Y chromosome that consequently determined the sex of our child, we know unequivocally who our child’s spiritual Father is. There is no probability, it is a fact. But do we take the time to ensure that our children have a relationship with the Father that will always be there for them, the One that will NEVER leave them or forsake them?
Let me be clear, the purpose of this exercise is not to bash our children’s earthly fathers, or negate their efforts. There are some really good fathers out there. In fact, as mothers, we sometimes we fall short and miss the mark. Parents are simply conduits, mere vessels. That's why we need to teach our children who their Source truly is, without fail.
"When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me” ~ Psalm 27:10 (NKJV)
When my teenage son began to have challenges with peer pressure, dating, and high school drama, he tried working through issues on his own, with my help of course. But I realized that while he knew about God, he did not know God, and therefore did not know how to surrender his problems and concerns to Him. He carried them and they weighed heavy on his heart. The reality is, I really didn't know how to surrender my own problems and concerns, so in essence he was a reflection of me. I didn't know my Father.
“Be still and know that I AM God” ~ Psalm 46:10 (NKJV)
Looking back, I realized that I had spent 18 years facilitating and encouraging a relationship between my son and his father. Unfortunately, during some of the most difficult times of his life his father just was not there for him, for whatever the reason. If I had known then, what I know now, I would have spent more of my time and energy helping my son to establish a relationship with his spiritual Father. But as Maya Angelou said, when you know better, you do better. As I began to know my Father, I consistently prayed and let Him know my desire for my oldest son to know Him, to have a relationship with Him. My prayers were answered just a few weeks ago, when he made the decision to dedicate his life to Christ and to begin establishing a relationship with Him.
Today, I am making it a priority for my youngest son to know his spiritual Father and the importance of having a relationship with Him. It will be a continuous work in progress, but I can already see the difference in his growth and spiritual development.
Since embarking on my spiritual journey, I've learned that my relationship with my Father God, is like no other. I love both of my parents dearly, but they can’t be to me what God can. So again, I ask the question, “Does your child know their Father? Do YOU know your Father?" If not, today is the day that you can begin fostering your relationship with Him and your child's relationship with Him, no matter how old either of you are. It's never too late.
Remember....you are not alone.
Embrace and enjoy the journey...
God Bless...

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