Our preferences are primarily determined by what we are familiar and comfortable with. Whether it is the clothes we wear, the people we choose to date, or the jobs we work. We determine our preferences based on our own limited experience and understanding. And if we are not careful, our preferences can take us on a detour from God’s plan and purpose for our lives.
As an HR professional, I often provide career coaching to individuals that have a desire to advance in their careers. Unfortunately, they often limit their possibilities because they are adamant about what they don’t want to do or what they simply will not do. In fact, I met with someone just the other day that told me he would rather take his chances and be out of a job than to be transferred into a different job at his company. I tried to help him to see the possibilities. But he was very closed-minded and pessimistic about the entire situation. He could not comprehend that transitioning into a different job, may have been the catalyst for God to move him into his purpose.
“Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding” ~ Proverbs 3:5 (Amp)
It is also important for us to realize that God not only uses our careers or professions for our purpose, He also uses relationships. There are people that we are supposed to partner up with on the journey, whether for our growth or theirs. Some people will come into your life for short term seasonal assignments others will have a more permanent place in your life. But more often than not we prevent or delay God’s purpose from manifesting because we create road blocks based on our preferences. We often miss our exit for the next lesson because we aren't paying attention to the signs along the way.
Experts say that when you are looking for Mr. Right you should make a list. If we entertain the exercise we usually create a list based on preferences; both physical and character traits that are often familiar or comfortable. Some of us also list character traits that we have never experienced, but desire in a significant other. We usually make the mistake of expecting these “new” character traits to show up in the type of men that we are used to, that we prefer. We typically want what is "good to" us, not what is "good for" us.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. In the case of relationships, we walk the line of insanity when we keep getting involved with the same type of person, yet we expect a different, often better experience.
More likely than not, the person that God has for you at this point in time will be very different than what you are used to. I believe God does this so that we can stretch beyond our limited understanding, familiarity, and comfort level. This type of stretching requires obedience and complete trust in God. This is the only way to receive God’s best for your life. This is how God ensures that you are prepared to step into your partnership purpose. And remember…every person that you meet is not intended to be your husband, or even your boyfriend. But if they’ve come into your life, it is for a purpose bigger than you can comprehend or imagine.
So whether it is a job or a relationship, it is so important to keep our ego driven preferences in check and allow God to do a new thing in our lives.
“Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare” ~ Isaiah 42:9 (ESV)
Our preferences often get in the way of our purpose. When we use a GPS system to help us navigate our way to a destination, we enter the address and trust that the GPS system will take us where we need to go. We do have the option to request our preference to go the shortest route or avoid highways and tolls. But once our route is calculated we put our car in drive, listen to the voice, make turns as instructed, until we arrive at our final destination. If we want to arrive at our life's purpose, on time, with minimal recalculations along the way, we need to use our Spiritual GPS (God's Positioning System) so we can stay on the right road to our destiny.
I do believe that God takes our preferences into consideration, because He knows the desires of our heart. But He knew the plans He had for our lives before we we born and developed our preferences. So remain open and trust that God knows what is best for you.
Remember you are not alone.
Embrace and enjoy the journey...
God Bless!

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