How many times have you heard mothers say, “I am doing the best that I know how to do, children do not come with a book or an instruction manual?” I know I have said it, my mother said it, and her mother may have said it a time or two as well.
Of course in the literal sense, when your children are born the doctor does not cut the umbilical cord, remove the placenta, and then hand you a how-to book. It is nothing like when you buy furniture from Ikea complete with the instruction manual and Allen wrench. But do you think that God would bless us and entrust us with His children without providing the necessary resources and information to raise them properly? There is a reference guide, a book, an instructional manual that everyone should be very familiar with – the Bible.
As I set out on my spiritual journey to better understand the Word of God, I had an amazing revelation that everything I have ever needed or wanted to know about life is in this very book. I wish had known about this “book” 18 years ago when my oldest son was born. I wish I had REALLY known. I knew of the Bible, but I had always related the Bible to the religious experience of going to church, but I did not know that it held the instructions for how we are suppose to live and ultimately raise our children to live.
I have always been an avid reader and sought out information from various authors that had written spiritually inspired books on parenting, and I learned some good tips from those books. But they usually focus on a specific area of parenting or child development. The Bible is a “one stop shop” so to speak for instructions on how to live spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially which directly impacts the wellbeing and future of our children. The Bible also teaches us the consequences that occur when we do not live according to the Word of God.
“God said…how long are you going to disobey my commands and not follow my instructions.” ~ (Exodus 28:29, The Message)
“…..And you can read it for yourselves in your Bibles.” ~ (Matthew 21:42, The Message)
Oprah Winfrey often talks about her aha moments where things were revealed to her. I had an aha moment of my own when I discovered that the Bible is the best parenting book and instruction manual ever printed. If life is truly like a box of chocolates, I want to make sure I am prepared for whatever challenges may come my way or my children’s way. So from this day forward I will parent by The Book, The Good Book, The Best Book that has ever been written - The Bible. I hope you will too! :)Remember, you are not alone...He will never leave you or forsake you.
Embrace and enjoy the journey….

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