As a young mother, I never gave much thought to what my grandchildren’s life would be like. Now that I have a young adult child the reality of grandparenthood is no longer just a possibility, it is a probability. After all, my mother was 37 years old when she became a grandmother for the 1st time. Of course, I have communicated my desire for him to wait until he gets married; after he and his wife have lived a little, and have had an opportunity to establish themselves before even considering having children. My prayer is that he desires that for himself. But now that I am getting older I am beginning to think about the legacy that I will leave for the generation after next more than I ever have before.
I think it’s important to recognize that inheritance is not just about a trust account or life insurance beneficiaries. It is about more than leaving money or material things to someone. Inheritance and legacy have to do with attitudes, belief, conditions, and traits. As a parent, you can have a direct impact on the condition and quality of life for generations to come.
Around the time we were figuring out how we were going to pay for my son to attend college I came across the above scripture in Proverbs. When I read the verse I had a revelation. I realized that the sacrifices I make today can give my son an opportunity to get a college education which can ultimately impact his children, my grandchildren and their quality of life. This could potentially be more impactful than leaving money on the table for them to use as they see fit.
Money can be gone overnight, in a matter of minutes if you pay attention to the Stock Market lately. An education is something that can never be taken away. An education, if used to its full benefit, can give my son the knowledge and competitive edge that will enable him to provide a good life for his family. My support of his educational pursuits (financial and otherwise) also helps to set the standard for education in this family. It also sends the message to the next generation and beyond that a college education is more than important, it is paramount.
“Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation.” ~ Joel 1:3 (NIV)
This is just one example of how we can leave an inheritance to our children’s children. There are many ways we can impact future generations. Just keep in mind that the decisions we make today affect not only our tomorrow but also the tomorrows of generations to come. When we think about our legacy; the attitudes, ideas, beliefs, and conditions that we will leave behind, we should consider all the spaces on our family tree, especially the blank ones, our children’s children will occupy those spaces one day.
Remember you are not alone.
Embrace and enjoy the journey...
God Bless!

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