The Golden Rule is a maxim or philosophy that many people use primarily to express how they would like to be treated. How often do we consider The Golden Rule when deciding how we treat others? It is important that this rule not be exercised as a double standard and only applied in certain situations.
I find it interesting that the notion of treating others as you would like to be treated is not only a spiritual principle, it is also scientific. It is a universal law and natural law that will be enforced whether we like it or not. Sir Issac Newton’s Third Law of Motion states that, “To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction”.
Oprah gave a good illustration of this on one of her shows. She recalled a line that Miss Celie said to Mister in the movie The Color Purple – “Everything you done to me already done to you.” When I saw that movie for the first time at 10 years-old, I could not comprehend the magnitude of reciprocity, even as a young adult I did not completely understand and apply it to my life, but thankfully now I fully get it.
After the show aired, a friend and I examined Newton’s Third Law of Motion; and attempted to break it down as it applied to Miss Celie’s line. Here is what we came up with. The exact (equal) energy (negative or positive) that we put out into the universe (thoughts, words, and actions) will come back to us (opposite - of it's intended direction). Imagine the motion of a boomerang.
The two most powerful words in Miss Celie’s line are, “already done”. You see, it is never a matter of if but when. The Law of Motion or reciprocity is already in progress the minute you have a thought, say a word, or take an action.
For those of us that have been mistreated it is human nature to want to see the person that mistreated you suffer. Because of the just God we serve we don't even have to think, say, or do anything to repay someone for what they have done to us. It is already done. Read what God says about revenge and retaliation.
“Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. ~ Romans 12:19 (TNIV)
Scripture does not say it might be written, it has already has been written. His Word is the Truth, so justice will be done, it will just be a matter of time. That, my friend you can take to the bank!
To go a step further, we should consistently abide by The Golden Rule, regardless to how others may be treating us. This doesn’t mean be a doormat and allow people to mistreat you. Sometimes because of reasons beyond our own understanding and control, people may not have a clue how to treat others so we have to teach people how to treat us.
“Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them.” ~ Matthew 7:12 (MSG)
For me, this means do not wait for others to treat you the way you want them to treat you before you decide to do right by them. Take initiative. Lead by example. Often in our relationships we apply The Golden Rule conditionally. God commands us to love one another unconditionally. No excuses. No exceptions.
The Golden Rule should never be broken simply because our future depends upon it. We must always be mindful of our thoughts, words, and actions.
“…You will always harvest what you plant” ~ Galations 6:7 (NLT)
As we go about each and every day in this garden of life, let’s make a conscious effort to plant seeds of love, kindness, patience, consideration, and compassion for others, in return we will harvest the same.
Remember you are not alone.
Enjoy and embrace the journey…
God Bless!

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