Throughout my journey to understand what it truly means to be a Christian, I have struggled with the concept of tithing. I have attended many churches of different religions that offer various teaching on tithing and what is required. After reading, studying, and some discussion with other Believers, I can honestly say that today I understand the purpose of tithing better than I ever have before.
Though the concept is clear, like many, I tend to err on the side of caution and try to do all I can with all that I have; the reality is it is still never enough and never will be. It is never enough because I am trying to all that I can instead of allowing God to do all He can. When we tithe, we trust.
Many of us get caught up in skepticism about what the church is doing with our tithe. That is not to be our worry. God will deal with those that have not been good stewards with what He has given them authority over. That includes us. We are also to be good stewards with the resources that we are given authority over. So before judging the man (or woman) in the pulpit, we should look at the man (or woman) in the mirror. How can we be better stewards?
On a side note, if you question what your church is doing with the money they receive from their members, you might want to re-evaluate why you joined that church in the first place? It might be time to find a new storehouse for you to worship and tithe.
I view tithing as part of the supernatural experience of being a Believer that allows us to “give” back to God, what He has already blessed us with. We may not be able to “see” exactly where our money is going; similarly we can’t “see” God, but when we lift our hands and hearts to Him in prayer we trust and believe that He can see us, hear us, and will answer us. Our relationship with God in both prayer and tithing is about trusting and believing in something greater than our human minds can truly comprehend.
Why the first 10 percent of our income? The definition of the word Tithe is: to give a tenth of. So it isn’t a number that unethical church leaders came up with. The theory has been in existence well before the 12th century and is mentioned throughout the bible, beginning with the book of Genesis. Some church leaders may put more emphasis on tithing than others, but our responsibility is to God not the church leaders. We should study the Word for ourselves and know what God expects of us as Believers.
More important than the amount of your tithe, I believe is the order that you place your tithe in relationship to everything else you spend your money on. God wants to be first in every area of our lives; not second, or third to our rent or car payment which you wouldn’t have if it weren’t for His provision.
Setting aside your tithe before you pay anything else demonstrates your obedience and trust in Him. This act of faith shows that you trust Him and believe that you have enough to do what needs to be done. When you rely on God, He will supply what you need. Not your wants, but your needs.
As a single parent, I have always felt like I didn’t have enough money left-over to tithe. That was part of my problem. I was trying to find something to give God after I had already used what He had given me. He really doesn’t want our left-over. He wants us to put Him first. But if I take it from the top, then the question becomes will I have enough to cover my expenses. Well that sounds like doubt and fear. There is no place for doubt and fear if I have faith, they can’t occupy the same space at the same time. So the real question when it comes to tithing is: Do I have faith and trust in God?
So if you are anything like me, always robbing Peter to pay Paul or Priscilla to pay Patty - whatever cliche' you've given to living from paycheck to paycheck, it might be a good idea to re-examine what position we are placing God in our finances. Chances are we are trying to force a dollar out of fifteen cents instead of letting God be God and supernaturally turn our fifteen cents into a dollar. We have to fully surrender to Him. I know this is easier said than done. Like many of you, I am a “Seeking Christian”, learning how to become more like Christ in obedience, trust, and faith. Will you join me on the journey? We can help each other learn along the way!
Remember you are not alone.
Embrace and enjoy the journey.
God Bless!

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