Several months have gone by since I have written a blog post. Somehow along the way I lost focus of my vision to encourage others through my life experiences and the words that God gives me daily. Distracted by the routine of my own journey, I allowed my vision to become unclear and blurry. I have only focused on what was right in front me. I have become undisciplined and in a sense out of control. I lost control and allowed other things to control me and how I spend my time; family obligations, work, school. All of those things are very important, but I still have a responsibility to stay on course and follow the vision.
In the medical community this lack of focus is known as
nearsightedness. A condition in which you can see objects near to you clearly
but objects farther away are blurry. The
degree of a person’s nearsightedness affects their ability to focus on distant
objects. However, nearsightedness can be
corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses.
I believe we often lose focus on our vision because it seems like a distant object. It seems so far away and out of reach. This distant and unattainable vision causes us to lose focus on what was once so
clear. We can correct this “nearsightedness”
by changing our perspective, adjusting the lens of our mind, and refocusing on
what was important when the vision was crystal clear.
If you had a vision of seeing yourself healthier, thinner,
in a loving relationship, a different career, whatever your vision may have been, you
can get back in focus. Adjust your “eyeglasses”
so your vision extends far beyond what may be distracting you today. This doesn’t mean you will never lose focus
again. It just means that you may need to remind yourself that it is time to
clean your “eyeglasses” so you can see your vision clearly again. As I close this post, I have my cloth in my hand
ready to remove of the fog from the lens of my mind that has been holding me
back from becoming all that God wants me to be. I hope that you will join me.
Embrace and enjoy the journey.
Be inspired, uplifted, and encouraged.
God Bless!
Welcome back...your such a refreshing drink of water for those of us thirsting for inspiration, motivation, and encouragement...this one really hits home for me...sometimes im so focused on the challenges of the future that i can even enjoy the rewards of today...today i want to step into to presence and let the future take care of itself...I JUST DONT KNOW HOW...
Amen !
Thank you for taking time to post a comment. I think sometimes I am so focused of the challenges of the future that I get stuck in the paralysis of analysis and miss opportunities to make progress while in the process. We control the process. God determines the outcome based on the progress we made while in the process. I believe that for every step we take, He takes many!
Absolutely right...it takes FAITH to take those steps...and this entry really put things,in perspective for me...i know where i want to be and now i have to take the steps to get there...Sometimes it takes another person to point out what we already know, thats why your blog is so important because it gives us a reminder of things that we tend to forget.
Thanks again for allowing us to see the work that God is doing in you.
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