This morning I read a devotional titled, “What We See in Each Other”. The devotional highlighted the parable of the Lord choosing David to be King (1 Samuel 16). It really resonated with me and made me think about something my wise grandmother used to say, “Beauty is as beauty does”. This saying simplifies the reality that beauty should not be determined not by how we look but rather by what we do. What do our actions say about our heart?
As single women, we often wonder, “Where are all the good men”? Statistics say that they are either in jail, dead, homosexual, or they don't meet the criteria; tall, dark, and handsome with a chiseled six-pack. But statistics and often our desires are driven by social norms not spiritual truths. I believe there are available good men out there, but more often than not we tend to look for someone who appeals to our eyes, not someone who appeals to our heart.
We should use the same criteria to choose our King that the Lord used to choose King David. The scripture clearly points out that physical attributes (tall and handsome) weren’t enough to qualify to be chosen as King, it was the heart that mattered most. Samuel assumed that David’s older brother Eliab was the chosen one. Notice in the scripture the Lord says, “He isn’t the one I’ve chosen”. On the contrary, God chose David. David was actually small in stature but had a heart for God and because of that he was destined to accomplish great things.
As a Christian women, we should first examine our heart and our intentions. Then we should examine the heart and intentions of the men that come into our lives and ask the questions, “Do they have a heart for God?” and “Do their actions line up with the Word of God?” If not, that may be a pretty good indication that they are not who God has chosen to be King in our lives.
You see God knew the challenge that was to come for the new King. He knew that out of all of David’s brothers, he was the one who could accomplish what needed to be accomplished. God sees the entire picture. Just like in parable, God knows what we need, when we need it, before we ever know that we need it. So when he chooses our King, His selection will be based on the role that he will need the person play in our lives today, tomorrow, and in the years ahead.
“God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose.” ~ Revelation 17:17 (NIRV)
So don’t believe the hype, there are good men out there that are fit to be King. As Believers, we have to know that there are good men out there, in spite of what the world says. We also have to be open and willing to accept that the man for us may not come in the image that we imagine or the package we prefer. External beauty is one-dimensional, shallow, and limited in its impact; it is what it is. Internal beauty is multi-dimensional, deep, and unlimited in its potential; it is all that you need it to be.
Remember you are not alone.
Embrace and enjoy the journey...
God Bless!