Back then I would have never imagined that I'd be sitting here 25 years later, writing about someone that I've never met, yet had an impact on my life and the way I see God and the world around me. Tomorrow Whitney will be laid to rest. I will be among the many viewers paying my respects from afar and celebrating her life and music.
I know many of us believe that she is gone too soon. But if you know God you have to know that her work here was done. He is never early, never late, but always right on time. The how and the why really doesn't matter. Only He knows why she came and why she is gone. Perhaps she did exactly what he needed her to do. Whitney Houston touched more people than many of us have that have not struggled with drugs or alcohol. Why? Because she used her God given gift and blessed the world. I don't know about you, but EVERY TIME I hear her sing the "Star Bangled Banner" I get chills. That rendition is definitely spirit filled and I haven't "felt" anyone else sing it the way she did.
In spite of it all, it appeared Whitney never stopped loving God. No matter what her struggles were she seemed to always give God the glory. That my friends is ALL He really wants from each and every one of us. Based on the news reports, even in the days and hours before her death she was singing His praises at a night club and in her hotel room. Was she perfect? No. None of us are. If we're honest with ourselves, we all have to fight the Devil daily and more often than we care to admit, he wins. And with fame and fortune comes an even greater fight. As far as I'm concerned Whitney fought a good fight. She could have given up a long time ago, but it seemed she kept on going even if it hurt along the way.
Regardless to what the media reports and what the investigation may reveal, God's Truth lies in the lyrics of a song that Whitney sang many years ago..."Don't Cry for Me.". Self-fulfilling prophecy? Maybe. But the truth nonetheless:
Here We Are Again
That Old Familiar Place
Where The Winds Will Blow
No One Ever Knows The Time Nor Place
Don't Cry For Me
Don't Shed A Tear
The Time I Shared With You Will Always Be
And When I'm Gone
Please Carry On
Don't Cry For Me
No One Is The Blame
My Death Was Meant To Be
Don't Carry Guilt Nor Shame
The Reason Why I Came Soon You'll See
Don't Cry When Life Is Not The Joy It Should Be
With Life Comes Pain
Soon Time Will End This Course Appointed
And You Will Be Rewarded
And All The World Will See
Don't Cry For Me
Don't Shed A Tear
The Time I Shared With You Will Always Be
And When I'm Gone
Life Still Carries On
Don't Cry For Me
We'll Always Be
Don't Cry For Me
Only God knows the time, the place, and the reason we end our race. I challenge every Whitney fan and critic to stir up your own gifts, give God the glory and see how many people you can touch while trying to keep up with life's pace. When I get to the finish line I hope to have touched at least a miniscule fraction of those that Whitney touched in spite of her obstacles. As my late grandmother used to say, "you today, me tomorrow." You never know when your lot in life is going to take a turn for the worse or the better. You just have to trust God along the way and count it All joy!
Thank you Whitney Houston for being a DIVA!
D - Divinely
I - Inspiring
V - Vocal
A - Artist
We love you! We will miss you! May your soul rest in heavenly peace....
Don't cry for Whitney....just be the best you, that you can be. I'm sure that is what she would want for all of us. Be uplifted, encouraged, and inspired. God Bless!

Wonderfully written!!! These are the words that should be spoken about Whitney Houston and the Legacy she has left behind. She is with God and I truly believe he is saying to her ..."Well done my good and faithful servant"
@ SPickett...Thank you for taking the time to read the post and comment. I really appreciate it. I had tears in my eyes the entire time that I was writing it. It was very heartful and I agree that our Lord is very pleased with how she fulfilled His purpose for her life. God Bless you!
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