Like many, I have been on a journey hoping to discover my purpose. What am I REALLY supposed to be doing with my life? After spending some time exploring the Word of God, I now understand that my purpose on earth, our purpose is to spread the Good News. However, it is not enough to simply know about God if we want to spread the Good News. We have to experience Him and know Him intimately. It is through our pain and suffering that we truly know and believe the power of God and can begin to fulfill His purpose for our lives.
It is so easy caught up in the day to day activities of our lives and forget that NOTHING that we experience is about us. The relationships that we have, the children that we raise, the jobs that we work, none of it is REALLY about us. The core of our being and reason for existence is to glorify and honor God. The pain that we experience is what brings us closer to Him and helps us to recognize His power and our dependence on Him. Pain is also necessary for us to grow in patience and maturity.
“My brothers and sisters, you will have many kinds of trouble. But this gives you a reason to be very happy. You know that when your faith is tested, you learn to be patient in suffering. If you let that patience work in you, the end result will be good. You will be mature and complete. You will be all that God wants you to be” ~ James 1:2-4 (ESV)
Pain is a prerequisite for progress. No pain. No gain. No growth. If you never experience trouble or tests of faith your growth will be stunted, your endurance will be insufficient, and you will never reach your full potential. So if you ever want to ask God the question, “Why me?” I challenge you to rephrase the question “Why NOT me?” I want to be ALL that God wants me to be. How about you?
Be uplifted, encourage, and inspired.
Remember you are not alone…
Embrace and enjoy the journey!
God Bless!

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